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Realtors have 2 audiences

1) People You Do Know

2) People You Don't Know (yet)

KiTS Cross Channel Marketing keeps you in touch,
and actively marketing to both audiences.
Successfully. Simply. Economically.

KiTS is CRM + Marketing
1:1 Variable Data Publishing
All working together
... Giving YOU MORE!


Cross Channel Marketing

Your Brand. One Stop. One Shop.

Your Direct Mail News Subscription includes
the KiTS Cross Channel Marketing Suite.

Realty Insights Direct Mail Marketing News, PLUS:

Loop CRM  ...............................................included

Automated Action Plans ..........................included

Personalized Mobile WebSite ...................included

Branded IDX, Lead Gen WebSite ........on demand

Social Media .............................................included

eNews ......................................................included

Targeted Buyer Drip Marketing............on demand

FlyerPak for GeoFarm Postal Walk.....on demand

"WOW" VDP Calendars.......................on demand

Loop CRM –
CRM designed for how you think.
Built for how you work.

In Office. On-the-go. Desktop. Mobile. In-sync, always.

Easy to use –
•    Buyer, Seller, Lead & Closing Manager
•    Calendar that's Revolutionized & Google-ized
•    Geo-Tagging taken to the next level
•    Dashboard reporting
•    Email reminders
•    SmartPhone - Desktop. Always In-Sync

Effectively Manage –
•    GeoTaggging for GeoProspecting
•    Your Marketing Contact List
•    Calendar Events, Meetings & Reminders - Google Sync
•    Newsletter Campaigns
•    Drip Marketing to Buyers
•    Email Updates
•    Holiday & Life Event Relationship Points
•    Next Call and Last Called Dates

Loop is new CRM - Designed for Today! And it's easy to use!


QR Code + Mobile MicrobSite,
What:     Your KiTS marketing includes your personalized QR Code.
PLUS, your own branded Mobile MicroSite.
Option for full www responsive site

Your KiTS Mobile MicroSite:
• Branded to you
• Displays Your Market Picks – Listings & Solds,  in real-time,

Direct Links to –
• Your Phone
• Your Email
• Your Social Media HotLinks

Branded IDX/DDF  WebSite option

What: Website – Branded & Personalized to YOU
• Your Own Domain Name
• DDF/IDX Listings Display & Search
• Landing Pages
• Lead Capture & Lead Register
• Leads Auto Enter into your Loop CRM
• Real-time Notifications to You
• You can Add/Edit: Pictures, Articles, Video
• You can Add Blog Styled Articles and Pics
• Financial Calculators
• Your Social Media Hot-Links
• Mobile, Tablet & Desktop Optimized

KiTS Member DDF WebSites

Direct Mail News – Realty Insights Newsletter
What  10 Touchpoints. Sizes & shapes change issue to issue.
Who:    The people who already know you, like & trust you.
Why:     If you’re not on their “mind”, someone else is.

KiTS publishes real-time relevant communications from you, to your Referral Audience. It’s relevant & up-to-date, so it gets noticed.
KiTS – MOST Brandable, MOST Variablized 1-to-1, MOST Personalized.

Effective Direct Marketing:
    •    Branded to you, and then...
    •     Personalized to every one of your Contacts by:
        – House type - selectable from 5 Home Styles
        – How you know them - selected from 5 Relationship Types
        – 23 Language Intro Choices
        – Holiday Greetings & Holiday Covers
        – YES, a different newsletter for every different recipient
    •    Envelope sparks attention .
    •    Stamped - Stamped mail gets opened.
    •    Fast to Market – Real news written at time of production.
    •    Listing & Sold Picks – Show, Tell & Share your success.
    •    Branded Template Library – for a different image each edition.


eNews – Email Marketing
What  Email News branded to you and from you.
Who   Connected COI Influencers, Past Clients & Prospects.
Why:    This email strategy makes sense.

Ready-to-go articles, PLUS Option to add your own stories or promotions

eNews delivers:
•    HTML format
•    Include your Market Picks - SOLD and/or For Sale
•    Monthly distribution
•    Dashboard Stats Open Rate, Bounce and more

PLUS New and Market Leading – Geo eMailer
Unique to Kits, eNews segmented by Geo-mapping
• Save Campaign Areas
• Super Targeted Messaging
• A whole new way to message Condo Buildings



Action Plans – Automtated Stay in Touch
What: Automated Drip Marketing.
Who Buyers, Sellers, Leads, Past Clients, Private Sales
Why: Another automated path to interacting and remaining visible.

Ready-to-go articles, PLUS Option to add your own stories or promotions

KiTS Action Plans:

•    Use ready-to-go Templates
•    Tweak the ready-to-go Templates
•    Build your own Custom Plans
•    Branded from you
•    Personalized to your Contacts

• A WOW way to work a Listing Presentation



Drip Marketing to Buyers HomeBuyer Insights
What:   Direct Mail Drip Marketing.
Who:    Targeted directly to Buyers – Active & Near Term.
Why:    Ever meet a Buyer too early? Wish you’d meet them 3,
            or even 5 weeks later? Want to be their Agent?
            Stay visible.
 KiTS Drip Marketing:
    •    Meet‘em Sunday – be in the mail Tuesday.
    •    Your choice – Weekly or Every-Other-Week.
    •    Start - Stop on a dime.
    •    Branded to YOU.
    •    Personalized to “them” – it’s KiTS, so it’s VDP.
    •    Easy to add super-personalized notes.

Buyer Drip Marketing is priced per unit, only when used.
Campaigns can start - stop anytime, and can run from 1 to 42 weeks, or 1 to 21 weeks.

When you Drip Market – you stay visible.
They’re going to select an Agent - will you still be on their radar?



Social MediaEasier Connections
What:  Ready-to-use content & links to engage your Contacts.
Who:    Friends, followers, communities, boosters and influencers.
Why:    It keeps you current, relevant and visible.
            You validate that you are worth “following” as you become
            synonymous with “gems” worth sharing.

Social Media at KiTS:
    •    Click to Tweet
    •    Daily and Library of Tweets available
    •    Copy & Post to Facebook, Linkedin or Google+
    •    Hot Live Links posted on your KiTS Micro MobileSite

Every day, your KiTS Member HomePage is updated so you always have something to “talk about”. You’re seen as always having your finger on the pulse of “what’s happening now”.



GeoFarm MarketingHome Insights Flyer
What:    Marketing Flyer, matched to your brand.     
Who   Expand your marketing to GeoFarm and Open Houses.
Why:     Effective and optional add-on to your KiTS program.

FlyerPak, the ideal extension to your KiTS Marketing Newsletter:    
    •     Custom Namings.
    •     Market Stats Charts – KiTS Market Charting.
    •     Branded to you – front & back.
    •     Coordinated to match your KiTS Newsletter.
    •     Features your Market Picks - Listings & Solds.

Ideal for:    •    GeoFarming
                  •    Marketing handouts
                  •    Open House Add-ins

Available as:
    •    Order GrabPaks of 30, 50, or more.
    •    Or, order a specific number of units.
    •    Or, choose a 10x Subscription for greater savings. 
    •    Call us to find out if your Postal Code is available.



VDP Calendars
What  12 months of WOW!
Who   Your COI. Your Boosters. Your Influencers.
Why:    Grabs BIG attention.    

Calendars have become ho-hum. Everybody makes them. Everybody sends them. BUT, a KiTS calendar is “the” calendar that hangs around all year. It’s a keeper!

Delivers 100% WOW! Your Contact’s name is a personalized part of the photo – every month.

    •    150 contacts = 150 very different calendars.
    •    Every month is branded to you.
    •    Your contact’s name, personalized into each month
    •    You pick who receives …KiTS does the rest.

Customized To You. Personalized To Them …it’s KiTS!


KiTS VDP Calendars

Track Referrals & Say - Thank You.
Track & Send. One Place. One Action.
What Track referrals in your Loop CRM
Who:  A Thank You Card - Branded from You & Personalized to Your Contact.
Why: Everyone remembers a personal “Thank you.”

Card Details:

  • Silveri Pearlized Card Stock
  • Unique Custom Shape
  • Your Branding
  • Mailed – Wednesday & Friday
  • Square flap white envelope


