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KiTS & Loop Features KiTS KiTS PLUS CRM Only Add Ons
Direct Mail Newsletter ..... ....
VDP 1:1 Personalized by:
• 6 Home Styles ..... .....
• 5 Relationship Types ..... .....
• 24 Language Intros ..... .....
• 15 Holiday Greetings ..... .....
e-Mail News Automated ..... .....
e-Mail News Custom ..... .....
e-Mail Blast Anyime ..... .....
e-Mail Stats ..... ..... .....
Geo-eMail ..... .....
Geo-Map Calling ..... ..... .....
CRM - Daily "To Call" Manager ..... ..... .....
Social Media Content ..... ..... .....
CRM - Integrated Contact List ..... ..... .....
CRM - Calendar w/Google Sync ..... ..... .....
CRM - Active Buyers ..... ..... .....
CRM - Active Sellers ..... ..... .....
CRM - Active Leads ..... ..... .....
CRM - Active Offers & Closings ..... ..... .....
CRM - Life Event Reminders ..... ..... .....
CRM - Notes & Tracker ..... ..... .....
CRM - Task List ..... ..... .....
CRM - DayStarter eMails ..... ..... .....
Mobile Micro WebSite ..... .....
QR Code ..... .....
Unlimited Publishing Contacts ..... .....
Unlimited Contacts ..... .....
Automated Action Plans ..... .....
eMarketing LeadGen ..... .....
eMarketing e-Mail ..... .....
Open House Web eRegister ..... .....
LeadGen Auto Enters into CRM ..... .....
Easy Subscription Add-Ons
DDF MLS Website w/LeadCap ..... ..... .....
GeoFarm Flyers by Postal Walk ..... ..... ..... .....
Branded Template Art Library ..... ..... ..... .....
Pay As You Use Marketing Items
Flyers Brand Matched to You ..... ..... ..... .....
Feature Sheets e +/or print ..... ..... ..... .....
Buyer Drip Marketing Mail ..... ..... ..... .....
Referral Thank You Cards ..... ..... .....
VDP WOW Calendars ..... ..... .....
BombBombTM API ..... ..... ..... .....